Debonné Vineyards is the largest estate winery in Ohio. We offer 18 varieties of grape juice and fruit for wine-making during our annual grape harvest, which generally runs mid-September through the end of October. Our full-service Juice House is open 7 days a week during harvest from 10AM-6PM. The Juice House fills your clean, sanitized containers with fresh-pressed juices, sold by the gallon. Service is first-come, first-served. For juice quantities over 50 gallons, we ask that you please call the winery to pre-order so that we can ensure the volumes are available for you. Grape orders must be 200lbs+ and must be placed in advance of the estimated harvest date. We will contact you with a pickup date for grape orders. Grapes are harvested when they are ready. Grape orders are emptied into your boxes/lugs (for hand-picked) or buckets/tubs (machine-picked). Concord and Niagara grapes are generally available in the Juice House for peck, quart-sized & other volumes up to 200lbs on a first-come, first-served basis. The Juice House takes cash & check payment only. If you need to use a credit card, your total can be charged inside the winery, however a 4% processing fee will be added. Please note that the Juice House does not have a phone. Call the winery at 440-466-3485 with questions.
Preliminary dates/pricing below. This list will be updated DAILY with new information as dates are adjusted, new varieties are harvested and become available. At the end of harvest, low inventories will be noted and varieties will be crossed off as they sell out. Chemistry info (brix, TA, pH) will be added as it becomes available and may change when a new tank is changed over in the Juice House. Always confirm chemistries at purchase.
The Juice House sells wine-making supplies. A list of available items is below. Click HERE to jump to the list.
New to Home Winemaking? The North Coast Wine Club puts on a great Home Winemaking Class for Beginners each year. Two classes were held in 2024 on Sept 22 & Oct 13. Watch the 2025 calendar for the next classes!